Monday, August 27, 2007

West Week 9

This week at Chez Gnome it was fair week. We were quite busy but able to make home made pizza again. It had zucchini, tomatoes, garlic, bell peppers, and onions. Very yummy and hit the spot so quickly there are no photos. We did actually try to make the ravioli from Cheryl posted on her blog Free Range Living. It was my first time making pasta ever. It all stuck together in one huge clump and I had to throw it all away. Next time.

Homesteaders in Training made vegetable pie. It included locally milled whole wheat flour, and the guts were all local: potatoes, leeks, pattypan squash, zucchini and cheese. She had something very nice to say about OLS.
"This morning I was struck by how much has changed in our lives over the past nine weeks. The Local Summer project seems to be about the only constant, quite frankly."

Isn't that the truth.

Sarah at Sarah's Homestead Blog made a tasty dish of potato pancakes made from mashed potato, sauteed garlic, onion and kale, eggs, and a bit of shredded Red Dragon cheese. And on the side was a mix of Summer squash, fresh beans and shelled beans sauteed up with fresh rosemary and oregano from her herb plot.

Over at Taste the Seasons, they made ratatouille.
"Our saving grace was a French dish called ratatouille, originally a poor farmer’s solution to excess summer produce. Ironically, the original recipedidn’t include eggplant, but today, ratatouille is almost unrecognizable without it ."

You have to go check it out. It looks amazing!

Laura of Urban Hennery made corn chowder from a recipe of OLS member Jamie from 10 Signs Like This. She says it's definitely as good as it claims to be. How cool is that.

Lauren at Shooting Stars of Thought made pan-seared pork chops with red wine fig reduction, corn, shoulder bacon, and tomato stuffed zucchini, pork and maple baked beans. Complete with recipes!

Turtle blog made quiche with chard. What a great idea to use up some eggs.

Great job everyone. One week left.

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